Devotionals for September 16, 2024

Wanna help us pack food for Pack-A-Sack on Tuesday, October 1st at 6pm? SIGN UP HERE!


Proverbs 16:3
Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.

Psalms 90:17
And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!


What do I work for? Do I have goals?  Does what I do matter? Do these questions sound familiar to you? I think most adults have asked themselves one if not all of these at some time in their life.  All three of these questions are “I” focused. Let's turn those questions to be “God” focused. How does my job serve God. How does my job fit into God’s plan for me? How can I serve God’s people in my job?


Q: How do I become “successful”?

Q: How are you committing your actions to the Lord?

Q: How can you serve God’s people in your job?



"Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy."

Hallowed by your name, oh God! My voice sings praise to your name, my lips speak of your holiness, and my heart rejoices when it hears your name, my Lord! Worthy of glory and praise; my soul leaps at the chance to praise you and to spread the good news of your gospel.