Devotionals for December 2, 2024
Pack A Sack Packing is THIS Tuesday, December 3 at 6pm. CLICK HERE to sign up!
I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.
I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me.
I am not perfect, but I belong to Christ. Say that out loud to yourself. If it is hard to believe you are not perfect, look at yourself more closely. If it is hard to believe you are loved by God anyway, read the bible more carefully. Paul is reminding us in this single verse that we need to hold both of these truths in tension in our lives. The Greek word for “possessed” is Katalambano. Translated literally, it means physically apprehended or captured - I am not perfect, but I have been captured by Christ. And my capture did not lead to imprisonment or condemnation. Oh no! It led to freedom, forgiveness, and restoration!
Q: Have you ever considered yourself to be captured by Jesus?
Q: How would your life be different if you lived as someone captured by Jesus?
Q: Do you know anyone who is living like they are captured by something other than Jesus? What would it mean to them to learn that they have been captured by Jesus and are no longer enslaved to whatever it is they are following?
Q: How would your life be different if you lived as someone captured by Jesus?
Q: Do you know anyone who is living like they are captured by something other than Jesus? What would it mean to them to learn that they have been captured by Jesus and are no longer enslaved to whatever it is they are following?
"Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy."
Lord, I have not lived a life consistent with your holiness, but you still captured me and made me your own. Show yourself to be holy by making me more aware of my imperfections, more awed by your perfections, and more grateful for your amazing grace.
Lord, I have not lived a life consistent with your holiness, but you still captured me and made me your own. Show yourself to be holy by making me more aware of my imperfections, more awed by your perfections, and more grateful for your amazing grace.