We have TWO in-person at 9:00 and 10:45 am and ONE online services at 9:00am!

Below you’ll find answer to the most common questions people tend to have before they come to TNLC. If you have any others, you can email us at info@trinitynewlife.com or call or text us at 727-858-7206.


Q. What will service be like?
A. While each Sunday is a little different, the average Sunday will start with a welcome video, three worship songs, a few important upcoming events, a 35-ish minute sermon, and then closing with prayer and communion.

The service is very contemporary and modern in expression, but traditional in our beliefs. Wear your shorts, your jeans, your t-shirts, and bring your Bible., even if it is on your phone.


Q. It’s my first time attending! What do I need to know?

A. When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by our team and asked how many people will be participating in communion, so we can give you some self-contained elements needed for our service.

We have a special gift for you before you leave. That same team will let you know how to get it and help you answer any questions you might have. We promise you won't be called out in service, but we do expect that people will want to say hello to you.

Kids and Students

Q. What’s available for kids on Sunday mornings?
A. An awesome experience! New Life Kids will have environments open for Nursery through 5th grade during both the 9:00 and 10:45 am services.

Find out more about those rooms [ RIGHT HERE ].

Q. What’s available for middle school and high school students on Sunday mornings?
A. Middle and high school students join us in the adult service on Sunday mornings, but there’s an incredible ministry just for them on Wednesday nights, called New Life Students.

For more info about those meetings [ CLICK HERE ].